Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Blogging: an incredably self-involved activity

I was just thinking about why I suddenly got this kick on blogging. I think it is because it is all about me. I'm writing stuff that really should not concern anybody but me. Its half digested thinking, and sometimes not even that. But still I have this imagined audience, and a tingeling feeling that there might be someone out there that would have an interest in reading what I'm thinking. Strange stuff...


Magnus Bliksrud said...

I'm reading you. I also see that you have an incredible posting-speed. The tendency to turn towards yourself; the reflection inducing quality of blogs; is natural. It stems from the constant question: Why am I doing it?

And you should continue! We can always use the unsound argument: A lot of blogs ar worse than mine. It's like saying: I'm not right, but you are even less right, which make me less wrong, which almost makes what I say true.

Unknown said...

Hello you guys!

I'm just wondering if this blogging activity really helps you in the process of writing the phd-dissertation? (as Christian suggests in his profile) If it does, I will seriously consider doing it myself..!

Is that why you do it? Or is it just a kind of (fun) procrastination? Or a need for public recognition or a desire for understanding yourselves..? I'm just wondering because I was thinking of blogging during my fieldwork, but then I thought that it would take up too much of my time... (it definitively takes time reading your stuff, but it is also inspiring - so please continue!:)